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  • Only business members may add the A.W.A.R.E Member Badge to their websites.

  • All members are required to adhere to A.W.A.R.E's Members Code of Ethics.

  • Includes the right to vote (or be a candidate) in A.W.A.R.E Board elections and at business meetings. Six months of membership directly preceding an election is required.

  • Everyone gets one vote, regardless of the length or level of the membership.


Business class memberships are offered annually across six distinct levels, providing tiered benefits tailored to suit the varied scales and specific requirements of different organizations.

  • Get involved in the sustainable advancement of alternative products as a means to support American-based businesses, broaden prospects for disadvantaged and overlooked communities, fuel innovation, and improve the overall well-being of society.

  • Join us as we embark on a new chapter of advocacy, bolstered by industry trailblazers, and compelling science and data. As a member of A.W.A.R.E, you're joining a dedicated community with a focus on informed choice and consumer rights, poised to shape the future narrative through education and reform. Together, we'll forge a path forward, enriching lives and ensuring responsible practices.

  • Elevate your company's status as a pioneering force by actively participating in the formation of a Southeastern alliance. This collective is dedicated to safeguarding the interests of consumers and industry players in the Southeast with a commitment to ethical, transparent, and responsible practices, firmly rooted in scientific evidence and focused on consumer safety.

Choose your pricing plan

  • Consumer Advocate Subscription

    Every month
    Monthly subscription for advocates
    • Exclusive advocacy updates
    • Access to advocacy webinars
    • Discounted merchandise
  • Startup Membership

    Every month
    • Voting rights in A.W.A.R.E Elections
    • A.W.A.R.E | Membership Badge on your website.
    • Welcome message and profile in next monthly newsletter.
    • Reduced registration and booth rental fees.
  • Entrepreneur Membership

    Every month
    Best choice for sole proprietors, independent contractors, on-farm CBD sellers, and small brick and
    • Enterprise - S

      Every year
      • Enterprise - M

        Every year
        • Enterprise - L

          Every year

          Eco-Friendly Design

          One of the ways in which we provide exceptional value is through the wide range of features that we offer. Our team created them to provide every customer with the best possible experience. Explore some of the main features below, and please get in touch to receive additional information.

          Multilingual Functionality

          In today’s globalized world, chances are you are interacting with people from more than just one country. This is where our multilingual functionality comes into play. Take advantage of this unique capability to expand your reach.


          • A welcome message and profile in our monthly newsletter.

          • Reduced registration and booth rental fees at eligible events.

          • The ability to sponsor webinars and events and to advertise in A.W.A.R.E publications.

          • Demonstrate your A.W.A.R.E Member Badge on your page and at your business.

          • A searchable listing in the South East A.W.A.R.E Directory.

          • Stay current on federal legislation and key national & region issues.

          • State advocacy action alerts, regulatory updates, event invites, and local legislative news.

          Advanced Tech

          We are constantly working to improve our offerings and expand upon our technological capabilities. Our expert team of professionals is passionate about developing the most advanced tech on the market. Ready to experience the future? Get in touch.

          If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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